The NIS2 Directive: Elevating Cybersecurity Standards Across the EU and Netop’s Pivotal Role

Introduced in 2020, and recently coming into effect on January 16, 2023, the NIS2 Directive is a continuation and expansion of the previous EU cybersecurity directive, NIS. It was proposed by the European Commission to build upon and rectify the deficiencies of the original NIS directive. 

It marks a significant milestone in the collective effort to enhance cybersecurity across member states. The main idea is that organizations and companies in essential and strategic business sectors should improve their security measures in face of a challenging global context.  

In this article, we will offer an overview of the cybersecurity requirements, consequences and scope of the NIS2 Directive.  

We will also expand on the role remote access and Netop will play towards NIS2 compliance.  

Context and Overview of the NIS2 Directive 

The development of the NIS2 Directive can be understood within a broader global context marked by escalating cyber threats, geopolitical tensions, and economic considerations. Several factors contributed to its inception and design: the rise in cyberattacks in recent years, geopolitical tensions, rapid advancements in technology and overall social unrest.  

The NIS2 Directive reflects a growing recognition of the need for enhanced, coordinated action at the EU level to address these complex and cross-border challenges. 

Overall, the NIS2 Directive is to cybersecurity what GDPR is to data protection: a groundbreaking and comprehensive framework that reshapes the landscape. It reflects a shift towards more proactive and robust security measures, emphasizing the importance of resilience and response strategies in the face of escalating cyber threats.  

Core Components of the NIS2 Directive  

The NIS2 Directive broadens its reach compared to its predecessor. It classifies entities into two main categories: essential and important.  

Essential entities include sectors like energy, transport, banking, health, and digital infrastructure, while important entities cover sectors such as postal and courier services, waste management, and food production.  

The directive mandates that approximately 160000 covered entities must implement a range of cybersecurity measures. These measures are designed to enhance the security of network and information systems. They include, but are not limited to, risk analysis, incident handling, business continuity, and supply chain security. 

The NIS2 Directive In short 

Business Sectors Involved 

  • Essential Entities: Energy, Transport, Financial, Healthcare, Digital Infrastructure, Public Administration, and ICT Services companies.  
  • Important Entities: Postal and Courier Services, Waste Management, Chemicals, Food Industry, Manufacturing, Digital Services, Research, and Education companies.  

NIS2 Compliance 

Compliance Principles 

Compliance with the NIS2 Directive requires a holistic approach, encompassing strengthening cybersecurity measures, a more proactive role of the management and collaboration across borders. 

Areas of Compliance 

The NIS2 Directive encompasses several areas of compliance for organizations operating within its scope. These areas are designed to ensure a high level of cybersecurity and resilience against cyber threats. Key areas of compliance include: 

  • Risk Management: Organizations are required to implement effective risk management practices: identifying, assessing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks to their network and information systems. 
  • Security Measures: The directive mandates entities to adopt appropriate and proportionate technical and organizational measures: securing IT systems, ensuring data integrity, implementing measures for incident handling and business continuity. 
  • Incident Reporting: One of the directive’s central requirements is the establishment of protocols for swift and effective reporting of significant cyber incidents. This ensures that relevant national authorities are informed and can coordinate a response. 
  • Supply Chain Security: Given the interconnected nature of modern business, the directive emphasizes the importance of securing the supply chain. This means ensuring that suppliers and service providers also adhere to high cybersecurity standards. 
  • Information Sharing and Cooperation: The directive encourages cooperation and information sharing between EU Member States and within sectors. Organizations may need to participate in information sharing platforms or join industry groups focused on cybersecurity. 
  • Compliance Monitoring and Auditing: Regular audits and assessments are required to ensure ongoing compliance with the directive. This may involve both internal audits and external inspections by relevant authorities. 
  • Training and Awareness: Organizations are also expected to conduct regular training and awareness programs for their staff to ensure they understand the cybersecurity risks and comply with the necessary procedures and protocols. 
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Keeping detailed records of cybersecurity policies, risk assessments, incident reports, and compliance measures is essential for demonstrating adherence to the directive. 
  • Adherence to National Laws: As the NIS2 Directive is transposed into national law by each EU Member State, organizations must comply with the specific legal requirements set out in each jurisdiction where they operate. 

Each of these areas requires a comprehensive approach to ensure that organizations not only comply with the directive but also contribute to a more secure and resilient digital environment across the EU. 

Consequences of non-compliance 


The NIS2 Directive imposes significant fines for non-compliance: for essential entities, fines can reach up to €10 million or 2% of the total global annual turnover, whichever is higher, and for important entities, up to €7 million or 1.4% of the global annual turnover, whichever is greater. 


Under the NIS2 Directive, there is an increased focus on accountability, particularly concerning managerial responsibilities in ensuring compliance. This heightened accountability means that managers could face legal consequences, including prosecution, for breaches of the directive. 

NIS2 Directive Compliance Deadlines  

  • Transposition Period: EU member states must incorporate the NIS2 Directive into national law by October 17, 2024. 
  • Operational Compliance: Affected entities are expected to fully comply with the directive’s provisions by this deadline. 

Global Impact of the NIS2 Directive and Non-EU Entities 

The global impact of the NIS2 Directive for non-EU entities is significant, extending the reach of EU cybersecurity standards beyond its borders. This directive not only affects EU-based companies but also has far-reaching implications for non-EU businesses that operate within the EU market or provide services to EU entities.

Such companies are required to comply with the NIS2 standards, necessitating a reassessment and often an enhancement of their cybersecurity measures.  

This compliance is not just a legal formality but also a strategic business necessity, as failure to adhere can result in restricted access to the lucrative EU market, not to mention potential legal and financial repercussions.

Furthermore, the directive indirectly promotes a global elevation of cybersecurity practices, as non-EU companies align with these stringent EU standards.  

This harmonization of cybersecurity measures can lead to a more secure global digital environment, benefiting businesses and consumers alike. Thus, the NIS2 Directive, similar to the GDPR, is shaping global cybersecurity norms and practices, reinforcing the EU’s role as a regulatory leader in digital policy. 

Netop as a Strategic Tool in NIS2 Compliance 

Adopting a strategic approach to NIS2 compliance involves a comprehensive plan that integrates solutions like Netop to meet the directive’s rigorous cybersecurity requirements.  

This approach should begin with a thorough assessment of current cybersecurity practices against NIS2 standards, identifying areas for improvement. Implementing the Netop solution can significantly contribute to this strategy, particularly in secure remote access and network management.

The software’s robust encryption and multi-factor authentication features align with NIS2’s emphasis on protecting network integrity and preventing unauthorized access.  

Moreover, Netop’s detailed access logs and reporting tools can aid in meeting the directive’s stringent incident reporting and audit requirements.  

By embedding such a solution into their cybersecurity framework, organizations can effectively manage risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and maintain high standards of network security, which are essential for adhering to the NIS2 Directive. 

Netop and NIS2 Compliance 

Netop represents a strategic integration of secure remote access solutions within the framework of EU cybersecurity standards. Our solution offers features that are essential for compliance with the NIS2 Directive, such as robust encryption protocols and advanced multi-factor authentication, which are crucial in safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches.  

The software’s comprehensive access control capabilities enable businesses to manage and monitor remote access more effectively, aligning with the directive’s focus on risk management and incident handling.  

Additionally, Netop’s detailed auditing and reporting functionalities facilitate adherence to the directive’s stringent incident reporting requirements, ensuring that businesses can respond promptly and accurately to any security incidents.  

In a nutshell, Netop emerges as a vital cybersecurity tool in adhering to the NIS2 Directive’s requirements, offering: 

  • Comprehensive Encryption: Implements state-of-the-art encryption for all remote sessions, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. 
  • Advanced Multi-Factor Authentication: Provides robust user authentication mechanisms, a critical aspect in securing remote access. 
  • Audit and Compliance-Focused Reporting: Generates detailed reports and logs, essential for meeting the NIS2 Directive’s stringent documentation and reporting criteria. 
  • Customizable Access Controls: Offers flexible yet secure access configurations, enabling organizations to enforce precise control over user permissions. 
  • Third-Party Access Management: Equips organizations to manage external vendor access securely, a key consideration in the directive’s focus on supply chain risk. 

What could this mean for a non-EU business in an essential and/or important sector?

Among other compliance requirements, they would most likely need to secure remote access to their networks or other third-party vendors with software like Netop.  

Conclusion on the NIS2 Directive and Remote Access  

The NIS2 Directive represents a comprehensive effort by the EU to strengthen cybersecurity across a wide range of critical sectors. Netop’s robust secure remote access features make it an invaluable asset for organizations striving to comply with the directive.  

As the 2024 deadline approaches, it is imperative for both EU and non-EU companies to understand and align with these regulations, underscoring the global reach and impact of the NIS2 Directive. The proactive adoption of advanced cybersecurity solutions like Netop will be key to navigating this new regulatory landscape successfully.  

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